Friday, April 17, 2009

Bring on the Blue

Well, looks like we're going to be seeing a lot of blue in our future (which happens to be one of my favorite colors) because Tuesday we found out that we're having a boy. The ultrasound was amazing-like nothing we had ever seen-we just watched in wonderment as the tech described what she was seeing. To celebrate we went to Burlington and Baby's R Us! Talk about baby over stimulation! We couldn't even pick out one little outfit there was so much to choose from. Then we ate at Olive Garden-one of our favs. Had an appointment with the midwife yesterday and she went over the results of the ultrasound and everything looked normal so we are very thankful that a healthy baby is growing.

1 comment:

carol said...

I thought you were talking about the Sycamores :)
By the way, I'm really impressed by your gardens.