Tuesday, November 3, 2009

2-Month Milestones

Can't believe Decker is already 2 months and counting. Actually this week is 9 weeks. Anyway, today he went to the doc for some vaccinations and his 2 month check up. The shots were harder on Mom than Deck-he did great. He's already up to almost 14lbs, which is good for Brady and I as we are building our weak upper body strength by carrying the chunk around-ha! This past weekend we also went out on the town for the first time besides the doctor visits. We surprised Todd and Erica on Halloween with our little pumpkin! They weren't expecting such a cute tricker treater. Also we made our debut at church on Sunday which also went great! Here are some recent pics.

1 comment:

Alison said...

Cute little pumpkin! I know, those shots are no fun, huh? I always bury my face in the baby's and whisper in their ear. That way, I can't see the shot going in and I feel like I'm somehow making it better for the child! Necessary, but not fun!