Wednesday, July 21, 2010

where do we live?

Moving from place to place each week has become tiresome and we're never sure if we are coming or going but with that said we continue to press forward and try to stay in the present and patient at the same time-it's hard some days. We have had a little summer fun in between working weekends at the house in hopes that something we do will turn a buyers head. Mom, Deck and I went to the TH 4th of July parade and also to the farmers market. Terre Haute is turning out a great market for those who haven't been. I bought some yellow plums that I didn't know what to do with-they were a little tart to eat on there own. We house/dog sat for a week. Brady enjoyed the cable and I enjoyed the naughty snacks-girl scout cookies and cheetos! And our latest-a wedding in Jasper with an overnight stay at a hotel. Decker is proving to be a good traveler which may mean a vacation may be in our future especially if we never move-ha! Decker is crawling like mad and even pulling up. It's fun letting him get dirty-he loves to pull up grass and leaves. We are trying to learn "no eat". Hey God make dirt and dirt don't hurt right? I finally trimmed his wings-people kept thinking he was a girl.

1 comment:

megs92 said...

That photo of Decker with the tree is adorable! Looks like he'll be taking after his mom when it comes to the outdoors and gardening :)

Maybe you could make the plums into a jam or slice them and toss with some sugar and put a crisp or cobbler topping on them?

We've found a wonderful garden/farm market nearby that has crazy high prices, but sells less-than-perfect produce at a great discount. I love getting yummy local food for a good price!

We're praying for you as you're still not settled. I'm glad that Decker is doing so well though - proof that home is where your loved ones are :)