Monday, May 2, 2011

Pack N Play

I keep meaning to blog but the month slipped away from me. I've had a lot of nervous energy swirling through my veins over the past couple weeks. First-we are going to Disney and flying with a Toddler for the first time-yikes! So I've been trying to prepare the best I can-asking friends for advice and reading a book-which states don't expect to go to Disney to relax-you can sleep when Mickey is done with you! Ha! And second I've entered the working world again with a part time job of sorts. I'm going to be the Market Master for the Downtown Terre Haute Farmers' Market. The job has already started but the market doesn't start til the first weekend in June. I'm excited to have the opportunity to work on something I'm passionate about. I also may be taking a leadership role with MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers), leading hospitality and/or craft time. So hopefully I can keep my cool with all these new endeavors. Decker is enjoying spring-today he ate a peeled apple like one of us big people for the first time, and the other day he walked in the grass barefoot for the first time-so fun to experience these firsts! Well, the next post will hopefully include the Hansels having breakfast with Tigger and Poo! Til then...

1 comment:

Alison said...

Busy! Busy! I can't wait to see you guys and catch up next weekend!