Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Geeze I Haven't Blogged In A While!

Sorry everyone...I feel like I haven't updated the blog in forever and that there is so much going on to report in our ordinary lives! Since Disney I have been very busy getting the farmers' market off to a good start. Which so far I haven't received too many complaints-lucky for me the market is not based on my media appearances-ha but the great goods produced and grown by local farmers and artisans! We have about 34 vendors now. My next recruit is a local winery. Please vote for our market in America's Favorite Farmers Market Contest-see link. What next...We got to catch up with friends from Indy at a wedding-reception at the Skyline Club-very chic! We visited Todd at his new crib in Indy. I was away from my baby for two weekends back to back. My college girlfriends and I went to New Harmony for a relaxing time of eating, talking, biking and laughing! Then is was off to the South Bend area for a dear high school buddy's wedding in which I met a professional blogger-"The Queen of Free". Decker is changing and continues to be lots of fun-running, climbing and getting into mischief! He got his first pair of Nike running shoes-watch out!

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