Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Pumpkins for My Peanut

We've never been big on Halloween festivities but Decker enjoyed some of the delights that go along carving pumpkins (and a squash), eating marshmallows (his favorite candy in addition to m&ms), going on his first hayride, passing out candy to the neighborhood kids, and dressing up as a horsey for music class. This past week Decker learned to jump-once he discovered it he jumped all over the house. Each day he says new words. Two of my favorites are "Candy GG" (to GG Hansel) (he calls his grandmas GG) and "Gracious" (from GG Decker)!! It's pretty funny. He still says "no" to most everything and is also starting to use "me" a lot. I bought a book called "The Happiest Toddler on the Block"-how to eliminate tantrums and raise a patient, respectful and cooperative one to four year old-is this possible-ha!

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