Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Happy Spring

Hello. Feeling guilty here for not blogging for so long. So here are some long awaited pics of our ever changing little dude. We had a great trip to Turkey Run today trailing and eating lunch at the Inn. The only mishap of the day was when Deck got pinched by a crawdad in the creek (well when it pitched him it was actually out of the creek and I was holding it-saying here pet the nice little crawdad!). Bad mom. Kind of like the time he picked up a fuzzy bubble bee and it stung him-probably on the same pointer finger! Things are gearing up for the outdoor DTH farmers' market. If you can believe it there is actually training for Market Masters put on by Purdue Extension-so I will be attending a couple of those in April. MOPs will be winding down-our group is dwindling in size and may not be in existence next year which makes me sad because I know there are many moms out there that we aren't reaching who are pulling their hair out in need of support. But I've met some wonderful woman through MOPs and I've enjoyed using my hospitality gifts to serve this group. Decker and I have been going to a new playgroup once a week where there are some other little guys his age which has been really nice outlet for us (him to play and/or swat (nice way of saying hit) other 2 year olds and me to compare notes with other moms. We are excited to report that we are finally starting to build some great relationships/friendships here in Terre Haute!

1 comment:

Alison said...

No need to feel guilty! I can't remember the last time I blogged!! I'm so glad things are going well and that you are starting to build relationships!