Friday, January 16, 2009

Blogging Blues

Well, haven't had much to blog about lately. Thinking about spring and longing for some sunshine. Rodi is feeling couped up too-she hasn't been on a walk in a few days. We did frolic out in the snow for a little bit today. The snow makes her frisky. I think I would like winter much better if it were around 40 with fluffy snow on the ground and sun shinning through instead of freezing temps, gray skies and slick roads. January is not all bad as my mom and Megan celebrated another birthday-happy belated birthdays to them. I've been reading a good book called Animal, Vegetable, Miracle about a family who deliberately ate food produced from the same place where they lived and worked, etc. for one year. I think I would have a hard time giving up bananas! Seed catalogs also start arriving in January which also makes me long for time in the dirt. Soon I will be able to start some seeds for spring planting. The farmers market is also starting to buzz with the promise of the upcoming season and who our vendors will be. Maybe an Indiana shrimp farmer? Who knew?

1 comment:

Alison said...

I hear ya! It's cold! When I mentioned running inside, I meant at Pike. So, if you're up for it, I can meet you there sometime this week. It's at 71st and Zionsville Road.