Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Cheer

This Christmas season has been different than any other for us. A new baby brings lots of challenges and blessings (more blessings). Some days I feel like I spend the entire day just trying to get Deck to sleep in some form, from naps to bedtime (of course we do play in between). Once asleep at night he is a good sleeper though and is almost going through the night now with one or two feedings. I have missed being able to participate in some Christmas activities this year but look forward to doing more next year while trying to cherish this season of our lives where we are more home bound. Being less mobile this year initially left us with no Christmas tree. But, yesterday my Dad and Brady went out to find one to surprise me. At first I had a bad attitude like what is the point it's 4 days til Christmas but this little bargain tree has been more fragrant than any other we have ever had!! So the smell of Christmas has lifted my spirits and attitude that it's better late than never and now we have a tree to put Deck's new sled under (don't tell him that's what we got him!). One of my favorite things about Christmas is receiving cards from friends and family. Each December I eagerly get the mail each day to see who our first greeting will be from-this year Angie won the contest-thanks Ang! Wishing you peace, love and joy in the new year!


Christian and Katrina said...

Being stuck indoors in the winter is hard! I'm glad you ended up with a tree. :) Summer will be so much better. Love reading your updates... I am so like you with the Christmas cards. They bring many smiles. Decker's hair brought a big one for me. What a cutie!!

megs92 said...

I love your tree! It looks just like ours and I'll bet it smells even better :) I'm glad you were able to enjoy this year's "quiet Christmas." Hope to see you soon!