Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tough Love or Mamby Pamby

Yesterday being my first Mother's Day I told Brady that I think I'm starting to feel like a real mom. Most of the time I feel like it's a surreal experience like I'm watching someone else be a mom-I guess because I never thought I could be a mom. That being said I also never thought I could love something so much-I remember my mom said that one reason to have children is to expand your capacity to love and that is so true. You don't know how much you can love until you have a child. But a part of this mother child bond I'm learning is tough love which is the not so fun part of this love thing. We started sleep training this week as Deck has been keeping us up til almost 11 most nights and this requires a lot of tough love. He is crying himself to sleep for nap as I write this. As Brady said we don't want to raise no mamby pamby (aka pansy, sissy, mamma's boy). Decker does seem to be responding to the training which is great news but I don't want to jinx ourselves. I'm still prepared to fail. I just pray each day that I don't fail at motherhood! We had a wonderful Mother's Day. Brady made a special reservation for lunch at Traders Point Creamery and our good friends Amy, Chris and Kaylin had us over for a cookout in the evening-here are some pics from the day.


Megan said...

Mamby Pamby you say?? Haha. this blog cracks me up. had a great lunch with brade the other day and he says deck is doing really well with sleep training. I knew he would. Deck is soo cute and I know he will be a good well behaved little man because you guys are such great parents. I could understand how it could be challenging at times, I can't stand seeing little ones cry either, but I am sure ure hard work will pay off soon. glad you had a good first mothers day too. very sweet pictures. hope to see you soon.

Kelley said...

Deck....I loved your post! I think back to you several years back and remember your reaction to kids! You are a great mommmy to little Deck and I knew you would be. Do not ever doubt it! You are right...it is unreal as to how much you can love your child. It is the greatest feeling in the world!