Thursday, September 18, 2008

Creeping Myrtle

Over the past two weeks I have been slowly digging up creeping myrtle along the front of our house. You might think it wouldn't take this long to dig it up but this plant is a tough little burger. When I finally get all the old unwanted myrtle and weeds dug out we are going to install some new landscaping. We had an official plan drawn up and it looks great. Once we do the manual labor I don't know if it will look the same as the drawing, kind of like when you do your hair after getting a cute cut, but we're gonna try. I went to price some of the plants-who knew landscaping was so expensive.
Hum-where do these green gems fit in the new budget?
On a second note I am taking an Independent Study class through IU this semester to finish my Masters. The title of my study is "A Focus on Local Food for Future Sustainability". I have a mid-semester paper due October 15 and then a final paper due at the end. My final paper will include a business plan for a small berry farm. More on "The Berry Nook" later!!


Amy said...

I love that name "The Berry Nook"! I want to come and shop there already. :)

mom H said...

Go Girl Go.... So proud of you. Perfect subject for you too.