Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sprint Triathlon

Backing up in time-on August 23rd, three friends and I conquered the Eagle Creek Sprint Tri! It was fun but hard-especially the swim. The night before we were informed that Eagle Creek reservoir had blue green algae and we had to sign a waiver acknowledging the risk of swimming with the algae. Didn't I consume super blue green algae in college in hopes of gaining energy-hum? As you can see I had a large cheering section with matching shirts thanks to Meg! I was in line for the port-o-pot before the race and someone ask if I was supposed to win (they saw the shirts!)-I said not quite!! But all those cheering us on made us feel like winners! Thanks everybody.


Alison said...

What a good time we had, huh? It was so fun training with you. You are one supportive teammate! Thanks! Love ya!

Aunt Kim said...

hello young hansel family. I was helping mary jane do this so I didnt get to read much of the blog but I sure liked the pics I saw getting to the post a comment. Hope all is well and I will talk to you soon. Love you Aunt KIm

Aunt Kim said...

I love the sweet sweet smile. I cant wait to meet little Decker! I've heard he is the most sweetest and smartest baby ever. Hurry and come to Terre Haute. Love you all,
Aunt Kim