Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Attic Treasures

Last week we had to venture into the attic because we kept hearing noises in the night-critter noises to be exact. Anyway-although our quest into the attic didn't turn up any good animal scat or glowing eyes we did find this awesome chest. Once I laid eyes on the chest I could hardly wait to get in down speculating on the treasures it held. It didn't disappoint. The top shelf held a large brown envelope addressed to the husband of the former owner of our house when he was stationed in California in the Coast Guard. In the envelope were old pictures and army memorabilia. But the sweetest item was a love letter from his wife. It was like a letter straight out of the "Notebook", and I couldn't help but think of them the rest of the night, and about how their lives once were. She is always so sad when she talks about the house she left which is now ours. Although I'm excited to call her to tell her about my find, I hope it doesn't make her too blue. There were also the original house plans in the chest and how much they paid for the land and to build the house-incredible!


Alison said...

Awesome! Even if it makes her sad, I'm sure she'll be glad to have it! How precious. Makes me want to go write a love letter and "lose" it in the attic!

Amy said...

that is so cool! like something from a movie.