Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Spirit & Place

Sunday night Brady and I went to a presentation by the Spirit and Place Festival which runs through November 16th. This was the first time we have attended an event sponsored by Spirit and Place but the overall idea of S&P is to explore different ideas and creativity linking the arts , humanities and religion, and there are events all over town every day of the two week event. The presentation we saw was a panel discussion on the Spiritual Mandate for Creation Care. It was interesting but we didn't hear anything to life changing. The earth is going to pot, what are we doing, why don't Christians care and why should we worry about it anyway if it's all going to blow up one day soon. Well, a few of the panelist kept going back to a verse in Genesis, Genesis 2:15, God took man and put him in the garden to work it and take care of it. My favorite panelist was Matt Krick, a pastor from Mars Hill church in Grand Rapids, MI. Mars Hill did a great sermon series on God is Green that I could lone out thanks to Steph. Matt also provided a cool resource list of some books that he recommends. Try out "The Mad Farmer Liberation Front" for fun, a poem by Wendell Berry. Too long to post on the blog but a good read.

This week is busy-three jobs, a paper due next Wed. and a business plan coming to fruition. The Berry Nook may take it's small step into production in the spring-I think we're going to plant between 200-300 strawberry plants around our house for starters. Anyone want to come help plant? or till?

1 comment:

Alison said...

Sounds interesting. I think God is going to restore to perfection what He originally intended when He created Earth, not blow it up, but I haven't done a lot of research on the subject. I like the idea of heaven being here on earth, though. Definitely makes me want to do a better job of taking care of it! I'll help plant/till, if Steve will take care of the kids (which I'm sure he will). Just let me know when! I'm sure I could learn a lot. I'm really hoping to have a more successful garden this year...