Sunday, November 16, 2008

Plastic Part II

My second gripe on plastic after the plastic water bottle usage comes the use of little plastic lunch baggies. While I was home on Friday night visiting my parents and brother-my brother proudly displayed a new man lunch bag that he purchased from REI on a recent trip to St. Louis. While the bag was very cool and green (like I said-a man bag), his baggie usage wasn't so cool. Apparently he uses 4-6 plastic baggies to separate everything into their respective food groupings, for example-using two bags to separate the pickles from his sandwich each day. God forbid the pickle juices co-mingle with the sandwich-ha! An article I found online on how to make a garbage free lunch noted that one reusable sandwich container can take the place of more than 200 plastic bags used over the course of a year. I'm a fan of reusable plastic or glass lunch containers. I'm not "baggin" on Todd, cause even I use the baggie when it's convenient.

Does everyone know about Pandora besides me. Brady introduced me to it this past week and it sure did make my work day better. Pandora is an online radio station thingy (free). You type in an artist and then it gives you a medley of songs like that type of music. I for instance typed in O.A.R. and got a great compilation of tunes including DMB and Counting Crows. Apparently Todd also knows about Pandora and when I was home we jammed out to some 80's (a small dance party was had in my old bedroom amidst the retro wall art, which Todd keeps threatening to paint over).


Alison said...

I agree about the plastic baggies. I try to use as few as possible, but they definitely still get used from time to time. I had bought re-usable sandwich containers last year for the girls and accidentally threw them away! Oops! I haven't found any since. Maybe I'm just not looking in the right places.

mom H said...


Now your taking my bags away? Never thought of puttin a dirty diaper in a tupperwear? Think about it. Love Mom PS Brooklyn is supporting a new pink cast these days. Although it is her fav color, it is heavy and tight so she says. But if she is good about it Auntie Ang the day we take it off we all will be coming to Indy to Chuckie Cheese she wants to know if your in? Brooklyn says HI.

Anonymous said...

On the whole reusable bag thing...
I was looking for gifts online recently and stumbled upon this site. It reminded me of your blog gripe, so I thought I would send it to you:
Hope to visit with you around Christmas time!