Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Bottled Water Habit

As a part of the Independent Study course that I'm taking this semester I am reading two blogs, "No Impact Man" (aka NIM) and "Slow Food USA". They are both very cool. If you ever want to check them out they are linked on the side of my blog. Anyway-today NIM was urging us to tell others to kick the bottled water habit and I thought that I would pass on some interesting factoids that he listed. I must give a shout out to my in-laws for kicking their bottled water habit. Nice job guys!!

"We have a chance here to make a real difference on keeping our drinking water clean and drinkable while reducing carbon emissions and plastic bottle waste."

-Bottled water is up to 1,000 times more expensive than tap water.
-Forty percent of bottled water is tap water anyway.
-Bottled water is less stringently regulated by the FDA than tap water.
-The production and disposable of plastic bottles stresses the habitat we depend upon for our health, happiness and security.
-The transportation of water around the world by ship and plane causes unnecessary carbon emissions.
-Bottling companies are buying up water rights around the world which means free water may not be available at all in the future.

Think about it.

1 comment:

mom H said...

Go Girl Go. I have cut my h2o into a third. Mom H